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![]() Of course, the visit wasn't just about gifts. The sitting around, gabbing, hanging out, and all that was the best part. She wanted some famous KC barbecue, so we drove up to Fiorella's Jack Stack and had a late lunch before dropping her off at the airport. Plans are already underway for lots of interesting things to do during her next visit. Have a safe trip home, Boo! Happy New Year to all of you! |
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
A Visit from My Sister
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Knit From Your Stash for '07
Knitters make stash-reduction resolutions like most people make diet resolutions... I'm no exception. So, in the spirit of the coming New Year, I thought that Wendy's KFYS idea is a most worthy endeavor. I'll modify the rules slightly for my knitting style, however.
Knit From Your Stash 2007: Guidelines for Kay
(I removed the fiber rule, since I don't spin)
My stash is still pretty well-mannered (about three tote-bins' worth), but I could honestly see it growing to alarming porportions in a hurry once we get moved into the dome and it has a chance to expand to craft-room size. Agressive stash pruning seems a good habit to establish now.
Knit From Your Stash 2007: Guidelines for Kay
- 1. The Knit-From-Your-Stash-a-Thon will start January 1, 2007 and run through September 30, 2007 -- a period of nine months.
- 2. I will not buy any yarn during that period, with the following exceptions:
- 2.a. Sock yarn DOES count. What? You think I don't have sock yarn in stash?
- 2.b. If someone asks for a specific knitted gift that I really and truly do not have the yarn for, I may buy yarn to knit that gift.
- 2.c. If I am knitting something and run out of yarn, I may purchase enough to complete the project.
- 2.d. Small amounts of souvenir yarn purchased during a road trip does not count. (A little vacation tradition I have.)
- 2.a. Sock yarn DOES count. What? You think I don't have sock yarn in stash?
- 3. I am allowed to receive gifts of yarn.
(I removed the fiber rule, since I don't spin)
My stash is still pretty well-mannered (about three tote-bins' worth), but I could honestly see it growing to alarming porportions in a hurry once we get moved into the dome and it has a chance to expand to craft-room size. Agressive stash pruning seems a good habit to establish now.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Charter Sux

Anyway, it was a pretty low-tech weekend. We took the kids to see Eragon, a movie that pretty much consists of taking a book with the most cliched, predictable characters & hackneyed, mono-dimensional plot and making it even MORE cliched/predictable/hackneyed/one-dimensional. Bah. Hunter liked it, though. The rest of us had fun picking it apart afterwards.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I think I can, I think I can

Saturday, December 02, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Winter is here!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The World's Best Longsnapper
Some of you may remember that I used to say that Patrick Mannelly was my hero, back in my football days. Here's why.
Monday, November 27, 2006
La Luna

You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
O Tannenbaum

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The World Traveler Returns
I am finally home after nine straight days of travel. Whew!
Day 1 (Friday): Ali & I fly out to Orange County, CA, for the bat mitzvah of Ali's friend Talia. Almost nobody flies directly from Kansas City at a reasonable rate, so we end up changing planes in Salt Lake City. We have dinner at Ruby's, and call my mom & dad from the restaurant... "Hey, guess where we are?"
Day 2 (Saturday): Talia's bat mitzvah. We haven't seen her for almost a year; she has grown quite tall and looks lovely. She is also very composed & does a beautiful job of reading from the Torah, without the blushing & flustered stammering that I have seen from other bar/bat mitzvahs. A reception follows with lots of food & dancing.
Once the festivities end, we drive up to have dinner with Mom & Dad. My sister Boo happens to be coming by for dinner too, so we get to have a nice visit with the whole fam damily!
Day 3 (Sunday): We fly back to Kansas City, this time through Atlanta, GA. This turns out to be a mistake because it makes our trip back longer by several hours. Additionally, Atlanta is a huge airport, and Ali & I have to hustle clear from one end of it to the other in order to make our connection. Imagine our chagrin when our second flight ends up delayed by more than an hour. By the time we get home from the airport (the drive home features the valet service losing our car for a while, getting lost trying to find an open restaurant, getting pulled over for speeding by a highway patrolman who saw how pathetic I was & let me off with a warning, and finally settling for some only moderately wretched breakfast wraps to-go from Waffle House), it's after 2:00 am.
Day 4 (Monday): I get up, put a load of laundry in the washer, & drop the kids off at school (Ali's dragging pretty badly, but she's a teenager, she's resilient.) Once the laundry is done, I repack the suitcase & head back to the airport to fly out to Austin, TX, for a two-day software user conference. Once I arrive at the hotel & check in, I grab a quick bite & then sleep like the dead.
Day 5 (Tuesday): The conference is full of techie goodness, and I learn that we are using maybe a twentieth of the capability of the software. Lots & lots of information. They also feed us spectacularly well. I am surprised to learn that I am actually signed up for two days of hands-on user training following the conference, which means I am staying through Friday. I have to scramble to change my plane, hotel, and car reservations.
In the evening, a bus takes us to the Alamo Drafthouse, where the Sinus Show skewers The Terminator à la Mystery Science Theater 3000. If you've never seen MST3K, it's basically three guys watching a movie & inserting their own phony dialog, snarky commentary, and general comedy for the enjoyment of the rest of the audience. The Sinus boys are hilarious... seriously, I am in danger of wetting my pants at some points. Fortunately, disaster is averted & I make it back to the hotel with dignity intact.
Day 6 (Wednesday): More techie goodness. I confess that the avalanche of information becomes a little overwhelming in the afternoon & I skip out of one of the sessions to take a nap -- it's the EventHandler overview, which I think I can safely miss, since I understand the concept pretty well (being an ex-programmer & all.)
I don't have near enough clothes packed, so the evening finds me in a laundromat. Pretty boring stuff.
Day 7 (Thursday): The hands-on user training starts. Oh my gosh, I am learning so much stuff that my brain may burst. I can't wait to get back to the office & show everybody the cool features that we didn't know about. In the evening, we head to an apparently famous local Tex-Mex restaurant which has some of the best tomatillo salsa I have ever tasted.
Day 8 (Friday): More brain-busting training. We cover the EventHandler in depth today, so I don't feel too bad about missing the overview session anymore. I love what I am learning, but I am exhausted & just want to go home. Ironically enough, when I get back to the hotel & collapse in front of the teevee, TBS is playing The Wizard of Oz.
Day 9 (Saturday): Clicking my heels together doesn't work, so I schlep myself & my stuff (now heavier by several binders) back to the airport & start the journey home. The whole city of Austin seems to be turning orange -- folks are flying in for UT's game against Kansas -- so everywhere you look, people are wearing their Texas gear and flashing hook-em-Horns signs at each other. I buy the kids a couple of 'Horns t-shirts just for fun.
No direct flight, so I'm flying through Dallas' Love Field (thankfully avoiding DFW). Being a domehead, I am delighted to spy a geodesic dome home just across from the airport! (It's on the left side of the plane as you taxi out to prepare for takeoff. Check it out next time you fly out of Love.) A packed-to-the-gills but uneventful flight gets me back to KC. There's no place like home.
Day 1 (Friday): Ali & I fly out to Orange County, CA, for the bat mitzvah of Ali's friend Talia. Almost nobody flies directly from Kansas City at a reasonable rate, so we end up changing planes in Salt Lake City. We have dinner at Ruby's, and call my mom & dad from the restaurant... "Hey, guess where we are?"

Once the festivities end, we drive up to have dinner with Mom & Dad. My sister Boo happens to be coming by for dinner too, so we get to have a nice visit with the whole fam damily!
Day 3 (Sunday): We fly back to Kansas City, this time through Atlanta, GA. This turns out to be a mistake because it makes our trip back longer by several hours. Additionally, Atlanta is a huge airport, and Ali & I have to hustle clear from one end of it to the other in order to make our connection. Imagine our chagrin when our second flight ends up delayed by more than an hour. By the time we get home from the airport (the drive home features the valet service losing our car for a while, getting lost trying to find an open restaurant, getting pulled over for speeding by a highway patrolman who saw how pathetic I was & let me off with a warning, and finally settling for some only moderately wretched breakfast wraps to-go from Waffle House), it's after 2:00 am.
Day 4 (Monday): I get up, put a load of laundry in the washer, & drop the kids off at school (Ali's dragging pretty badly, but she's a teenager, she's resilient.) Once the laundry is done, I repack the suitcase & head back to the airport to fly out to Austin, TX, for a two-day software user conference. Once I arrive at the hotel & check in, I grab a quick bite & then sleep like the dead.
Day 5 (Tuesday): The conference is full of techie goodness, and I learn that we are using maybe a twentieth of the capability of the software. Lots & lots of information. They also feed us spectacularly well. I am surprised to learn that I am actually signed up for two days of hands-on user training following the conference, which means I am staying through Friday. I have to scramble to change my plane, hotel, and car reservations.
In the evening, a bus takes us to the Alamo Drafthouse, where the Sinus Show skewers The Terminator à la Mystery Science Theater 3000. If you've never seen MST3K, it's basically three guys watching a movie & inserting their own phony dialog, snarky commentary, and general comedy for the enjoyment of the rest of the audience. The Sinus boys are hilarious... seriously, I am in danger of wetting my pants at some points. Fortunately, disaster is averted & I make it back to the hotel with dignity intact.
Day 6 (Wednesday): More techie goodness. I confess that the avalanche of information becomes a little overwhelming in the afternoon & I skip out of one of the sessions to take a nap -- it's the EventHandler overview, which I think I can safely miss, since I understand the concept pretty well (being an ex-programmer & all.)
I don't have near enough clothes packed, so the evening finds me in a laundromat. Pretty boring stuff.
Day 7 (Thursday): The hands-on user training starts. Oh my gosh, I am learning so much stuff that my brain may burst. I can't wait to get back to the office & show everybody the cool features that we didn't know about. In the evening, we head to an apparently famous local Tex-Mex restaurant which has some of the best tomatillo salsa I have ever tasted.
Day 8 (Friday): More brain-busting training. We cover the EventHandler in depth today, so I don't feel too bad about missing the overview session anymore. I love what I am learning, but I am exhausted & just want to go home. Ironically enough, when I get back to the hotel & collapse in front of the teevee, TBS is playing The Wizard of Oz.
Day 9 (Saturday): Clicking my heels together doesn't work, so I schlep myself & my stuff (now heavier by several binders) back to the airport & start the journey home. The whole city of Austin seems to be turning orange -- folks are flying in for UT's game against Kansas -- so everywhere you look, people are wearing their Texas gear and flashing hook-em-Horns signs at each other. I buy the kids a couple of 'Horns t-shirts just for fun.
No direct flight, so I'm flying through Dallas' Love Field (thankfully avoiding DFW). Being a domehead, I am delighted to spy a geodesic dome home just across from the airport! (It's on the left side of the plane as you taxi out to prepare for takeoff. Check it out next time you fly out of Love.) A packed-to-the-gills but uneventful flight gets me back to KC. There's no place like home.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Winter Tales
Winter is coming early this year, as anyone who tuned into Game 3 of the World Series the other night saw. (My California sister, chatting on the phone with me during the game, saw a fan-cam shot of all the people at Busch Stadium bundled up in their heavy coats & scarves & asked me "How freakin cold is it there, anyway?") But we've known for some time that we're in for a long, cold one this year. Even the trusty Old Farmer's Almanac takes a back seat to old-timey weather folklore. |
Well, an informal & unscientific survey (six persimmon seeds that someone brought in to work) yielded eight spoons, two seeds too mangled to read, and one cut finger. (Hey, science is sometimes dangerous.) |
Another old weather rhyme:Onion skins paper-thin, The last batch of onions I bought at the farmer's market before it closed for the season were tasty, but they had skins like cardboard. |
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Sunday, October 15, 2006
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
You Belong in Fall |
![]() Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times... You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall brings Whether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you |
Thursday, October 05, 2006
My Dead Celebrity Soulmate

I filled out their simple questionnaire and found out that my dead celebrity soulmate is none other than the mad post-Impressionist bohemian Dutchman himself!
Vincent van Gogh responds...
"You are as brilliant and vivid as the sun! Let us make devastating beauty together!"
N.B.: Of course, just in case things didn't work out with Vince, the site offers several backup choices. It also tried to fix me up with Leonardo da Vinci and/or Rudolph Valentino. Hmmm.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Moebius Stripes

Yarn: KnitPick's Shamrock
Needles: 9
Pattern: Adapted from Cat Bordhi's A Treasury of Magical Knitting, it's a Moebius loop knitted in three rounds knit, three rounds purl, which makes a lateral stripe. It's the perfect length to make a double loop around my neck & nestle in a jacket collar.
One thing I have learned about Moebius loops -- they have handedness! I suppose if I had thought about it, I would have realized that one can have either a right-handed or a left-handed loop, same as a corkscrew... but it never occurred to me. I've found that I have to wrap this thing around my head in a particular direction, though, or I get three twists (ugly) instead of one (pretty). Go figure.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
How Much Wood Would a... you know

Note: I didn't have the camera with me, so this isn't "our" woodchuck; it's an image borrowed from the Massachusetts Audubon Society website. But he looked just like this guy, really.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Autumn Leaves
Weather's turned cooler & the air has a bit of a snap to it. A few early leaves are fluttering down; soon it will become a torrent. Time to dig out the scarves & light jackets. My favorite time of year!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Which Classic Dame am I?
Carole Lombard You scored 19% grit, 0% wit, 42% flair, and 54% class! |
You're a little bit of a fruitcake, but you always act out in style. You have a good sense of humor, are game for almost anything, but you like to have nice things about you and are attracted to the high life. You're stylish and modern, but you've got a few rough edges that keep you from attaining true sophistication. Your leading men include William Powell, Fredric March, and Clark Gable. Watch out for small planes. |
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Link: The Classic Dames Test written by gidgetgoes on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Harvest Festival

Friday, September 01, 2006
Did You Feel That?
So on my way in to work this morning I stopped at Sonic for a breakfast burrito (not exactly health food, but I like it once in a while.) The woman at the drive-thru window looked exactly like my old Quake teammate Steph... twin-sister close, really. So I was thinking about my football days when the woman (whose nametag announced her as "Kendra") blurted out, "Hey, are you from California?" She was looking at my tattoo. Turns out Kendra is from San Bernardino & had heard of the Quake. Small world, huh?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Right Off the Griddle

Yarn: Trekking XXL
Needles: 2
I got this yarn on my trip to Wisconsin last month... the blue shades made me think of the pretty views of the rivers. They knit up fast!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
School Daze
It's been crazy-busy around here, with the first week of school & all that. My darling baby girl is now a freshman in high school. How did that happen?!?!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Our recent trip to California was a little strange... it feels weird going back to a place we left a year and a half ago. Did we really drive in all that traffic? Did we really go around in that constant fog of smog & stress? Better believe it, and I am happier than ever with the Midwest.
However, the trip was not without its charms, one of which was catching a weeknight Dodgers game. Dodgers Stadium is still one of my favorite ballparks, despite the notorious history of Chavez Ravine. The Boys in Blue dropped a game to the Rockies on a bone-headed error in the eighth, breaking a twelve-game winning streak, but no matter. Dodger dogs, peanuts & cokes, cheering 'til you're hoarse, ridiculous foam finger... is there anything as much fun as a ball game on a summer night?

Sunday, July 30, 2006
Two, Count 'Em, Two FOs
Unbelievable! I did a lot of knitting during my road trip, and actually have some finished objects to show.
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Saturday, July 29, 2006

La Crosse, in addition to being a charming riverfront town with lots of restaurants and shopping, also boasts a minor-league baseball team -- the La Crosse Loggers, who were in the hunt for a wildcard berth in the Northwoods League playoffs when we caught a game one evening. The Loggers, who are all NCAA athletes (and unpaid in order to retain eligibility,) played sloppy but with a good deal of fire. The Loggers overcame a one-run deficit in the bottom of the ninth when the first baseman crushed it over the right-field wall with a man on third. Quite the exciting finish!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Auf Wiedersehen *
Buh bye for a bit. I'll be offline for a week while I attend a training software class in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Sadly, it also means that I won't be able to make knitting group for at least a couple weeks.
* Ha! And you thought it was going to be a Project Runway reference!
* Ha! And you thought it was going to be a Project Runway reference!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
M is for Maze

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Color Blox Sox

The socks themselves are pretty straightforward, but I must say that the pattern is one of the most poorly written that I have seen in several decades of knitting. The author, trying to be chatty but barely managing to be informative, buries the actual pattern under an avalanche of asides & not-very-relevant tips. Eight pages of pattern for one pair of sox, people. I don't know what the group's editors were thinking.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Get Out da Way!

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
K is for Knotwork
Here's the post where I show off my Celtic heritage. I love knotwork, and always seem to have some knotty projects somewhere in my world. As always, click on the picture for a larger version.
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Friday, June 09, 2006
Summer Vacation
Just got back from a week's vacation -- visiting family in Carson City, NV. While we were there we took a couple of touristy side-trips! (Click the pics for a larger view.) |
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As always after a trip, it's good to be home. |
Saturday, June 03, 2006
New Adventures
I've started my new job in Sweet Springs. A bit of a drive, but I like it. Yesterday afternoon I eschewed the interstate and drove home via two-lane county roads... such a pretty day.
I've cast on for the new Six Sox pattern, a stash-buster project. Not too thrilling but I'll play along.
Also, the garden is coming along nicely. I swear the beans grow about a foot per day. I'm looking forward to putting up some dilly beans & relish! :-)
I've cast on for the new Six Sox pattern, a stash-buster project. Not too thrilling but I'll play along.
Also, the garden is coming along nicely. I swear the beans grow about a foot per day. I'm looking forward to putting up some dilly beans & relish! :-)
Sunday, May 21, 2006
J is for Jam

Little Waves sox

Yarn: Unbranded 100% wool, dyed with KoolAid
Needles: 2
The lace, in case you're wondering, is a variation on the old Chevron Lace pattern. (Pattern is written for in-the-round, but will also work for knitting flat; start on RS at row 3.) Over 10 stitches:
Rows 1, 3: k1, yo, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2, yo, k1.
Row 2: Knit.
Row 4: Purl.
This means every fourth row will have a garter ridge that draws up into a nice wavy line with the decreases.
Ha, I've cleared my good Addis just in time for the June Six Socks pattern! :-)
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I is for Indolence

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
H is for Hunter

Monday, May 15, 2006
TKGA swatches

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
G is for Garden
...but it could also stand for Grossly late in your tongue. Sorry to have neglected my ABC's for so long.
A new garden is always beautiful, brimming with promise. We have a couple of trellises for peas and cukes, as well as a bean obelisk that Mike seems to think needs to be 8 feet tall. We'll never be able to harvest the top quarter or so of our beans, but oh well. We'll dry those pods once the vines come down at the end of the season.
We use our grass clippings as mulch for the garden, just dumping them in and turning them into the soil as we work. I hate the way deep mulch makes the garden look -- it's so messy -- but I love what it does to the soil. The zucchini doesn't give a hoot what the ground looks like, of course; it came bolting up first & promises to be pretty vigorous. I'll make baby zucchini pickles if they get too out of hand.
A strawberry volunteer came up in the corner of the plot with the tomatoes and basil. I decided to leave it -- we'll see if it produces anything. We also have one plot dedicated entirely to pumpkins, which will be fun. We'll save good-looking ones for Jack-o'-lanterns and can the rest for pies & muffins & whatnot.

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Storm Watch

The Storm really have their act together, though, in terms of putting on a good show for the fans. Their PA guy was sometimes a bit silly, but they had a lot of fun little schticks -- they played a thunderclap sound effect for each standout defensive play, and their roster intro was preceded by the instantly recognizable braaak-braaak-braaak "Storm Warning" tone.
I was there for a halftime presentation in which former women football players were honored with a certificate "recognizing [our] contribution to the sport of women's football." All of the other alumnae at the presentation were former players for the Storm or the now-defunct Kansas City Krunch; I was regarded as something of an oddity ("So, what are you doing here in Missouri?")
Two Kansas City Chiefs were there signing autographs -- Ronnie Cruz, the starting fullback, and a player to be named later, who turned out to be Adam Johnson. Both of them were sweet as pie and chatted with me for a little while, and were suitably impressed by my championship ring. Not as flashy as the NFL rings, but hey, it's still pretty darn cool.
The Storm have three more home games this season; catch a game if you get a chance!
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