Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Now I'm "It"

My friend Chelle tagged me (by name) with another blogosphere MEME!

1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Let's see, Hunter was just a baby then, so I was probably changing a diaper or something. Also, I was working as a programmer for a bill review software company in Newport Beach, CA.

2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today? Ship out two customer jobs (done); balance the checkbook (not done); knit on Angelina (done); get a photo of my finished Fitted Tee (not done); go to bed early because I stayed up too late watching the Lakers last night (soon).

3. Snacks I enjoy: Potato chips, probably too much so. Fruit-flavored yogurt. Peanuts. Cheez-its.

4. Places I’ve lived: Various communities in Los Angeles and Orange counties in CA; west-central MO. Yes, it was a bit of a change.

5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire: Finish the dome. Quit my day job and do the yarn thing just for fun. Buy a pro sports team.

I won't tag you, you'll have to self-tag if you want to pick up the thread. Link your blog in comments so I can take a peek at your list. :-)

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