Sunday, February 05, 2006

Memories (?)

A meme swiped from TurtleGirl:

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL MEMORY OF YOU AND ME. It can be anything you want--good or bad--BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you're finished, post this on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you.


Jen said...

Remember the time you tried to talk me out of auditioning to be a porn star. I wouldn't listen and then when they rejected me you had to listen to me bawl all night about how I wasn't even good enough to be a porn star, and how would I ever get a job as a receptionist. Look at me a now, a Mother Superior - who woulda thunk it?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I was just thinking the other day about the time we went to the mall and you had to stop me from smacking that stupid girl that called me grandma. Imagine some young brat calling me a grandmother, as young as I am and as together as I am. I've had to stay away from the mall since then, it's just such a hurtful memory.

ChelleC said...

Remember the time you hadn't visited our knitting group for WAYYYYY too long? And our group of girls really missed you something terrible. So we got together, made a magic ball of huge superbulky weight yarn in a wide spectrum of your favorite colors (blue, purple, magenta, bright orange, yellow and green). We had to haul it in the back of Mary's husband's huge truck? Then we drove over to your house. We first tried to find you at the dome, but you weren't there. Your husband said you were at work. So we drove over there. I pretended to be a new Help Desk employee. Then I let the other gals (Maenwyn, Mary and Jen) through the back door. They carried the huge Magic Ball of yarn. Our new knitting girls, Sherre and Sharon, carried duct tape and scissors. When you were busy helping an irate customer on the phone, we came up from behind, wrapped you in duct tape, tied you up with the big ball of yarn, stuck a bow on your head (so no one would get suspicious). Then we threw you in the back of Jen's SUV, drove like wild bandits to the new Internet Java cafe so that you would see that if you ONLY GO THERE TO OUR NEW HAUNT, YOU WILL LOVE IT!!! Kidnapping you was well worth it, and we didn't even get arrested in the process.

Just A Knit Wit said...

I remember when you and I were questing for the Magic Drop Spindle of Nray when a little gnome came up and told you that if you guessed his name, he’d give you a thousand skeins of Noro yarn. But if you didn’t guess, he’d chop my head off. So you guessed and guessed and guessed, ignoring my pleas that he was wearing a name tag that said “Hello! My name is Rumplestiltskin” on his shirt. Finally, after three hours he got bored and chopped my head off anyways. Good times… good times….

Boo in L.A. said...

Well of course I could post scads of humiliating childhood memories but ... I think not. Instead, let's fondly recall that time I talked you into ditching your Chinese class, your sophomore year of college. I had swiped Dad's old Mustang for the day but he never noticed, remember? And we decided to drive to Tijuana, and almost got busted by the Federales in that back-alley gambling ring. I still keep in touch with that crazy hitchhiker we picked up outside of Chula Vista ... got an email from her the other day. :)