In knitting news, I dug out my oldest UFO -- the Summer Sweater from Sally Melville's first Knitting Experience book -- and finally finished the damn thing off. (I credit this book with my knitting renaissance; I have knitted for 30+ years but never really learned finishing techniques, or thought about them much, until I picked up Sally's books.) Anyway, I cast on the sweater more than a year ago, but grew bored with the pattern & the color I had chosen... a dull taupe... and after a while it kept getting put aside for newer projects. I tried to keep coming back to it, but it eventually languished for six months or so. It was all done except for half a sleeve, too. Anyway, I forced myself to put aside my newest socks & picked it up again last week, determined to get it out of the way for good & all.
Sometimes you get a real burst of pride when you finally finish a long-neglected project; this was more of a sense of relief. ("Well, that's finally done.")
The yarn is Paton's Grace, a nice, well-mannered (but boring) cotton; I knit it with size 6 & 11 needles. It's an easy pattern to knit -- maybe a little too easy after I had already done the Einstein sweater last year. A big garter-stitch sweater is a perfect learner's project, but don't do two of them, unless you just loooo-o-o-o-ve garter stitch.
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