Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

We finally got around to seeing Star Wars Episode III last night, and we liked it. Didn't love it, but we liked it.

Warning: Very Mild Spoilers
I remarked to Mike as we were walking out that it had to be incredibly difficult to make a movie where all the major plot elements are already known. Is it a spoiler to say that Anakin turns to the dark side, or that the Jedi are all wiped out except for Obi-Wan and Yoda, or that Padme's twins are separated & sent into hiding, one on Tatooine & the other with Senator Organa? Duh, we know all that from Episodes IV et al. George Lucas did a decent job of keeping it fresh, and throwing in a few plot twists that didn't disrupt the mythology of the Star Wars universe too much, and saturating the whole thing with so much stunning visual imagery that you don't really care that the story is weak & predictable. Best moment in the whole movie: When Vader is rescued from his horrible near-death and is tended by the medical droids (in an obvious Dr. Frankenstein homage), as the mask is put on his face & he draws his very first iconic gasping breath on his respirator, the haze swirling as he exhales... Lucas is nothing if not detail-oriented.

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