Monday, December 24, 2007

Tidal Wave!

Tidal WaveIt may now be revealed that the Mystery Socks, a Yule gift for Boo, are none other than a pair of Tidal Wave socks made from Cherry Tree Hill's Sockittome yarn! The colorway is Moody Blues, because she specifically said that she likes denim-y blues that don't argue with the jeans. This yarn is soft and delightfully squishy -- it really knit up beautifully. This is the first time I've used CTH; I've got some more in my stash that I am looking forward to putting on my own feet.

Boo was quite pleased with them and made a few comments along the "how the heck do you make something so cool" lines. Aw shucks. Of course, I was a big old dummy and included the photo in my Flickr photostream, which is displayed on the right hand column of this very blog, so she may have just been humoring me about not knowing what they would look like. Oops :-/

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