Sunday, March 04, 2007

Youth Basketball Season Ends

The Bolts with Coach Brandon & Coach Corey
Last night was the youth basketball league's award ceremony. The Bolts finished with a respectable 4-3 record (four games were actually cancelled due to inclement weather, so the schedule was a bit abbreviated.) At the awards ceremony, the kids each got a cheesy little medal on a ribbon while the coach read their names out over the P.A. A charming picture of small-town youth sports, no?
Ooooh, spookyThat is, until you notice that Hunter's eyes are glowing with evil.
Eerie JoshGood gosh, Josh looks like an extra for Children of the Corn. Thankfully, Chet seems to be unaffected by the creepy vibe.
Feet on fireAs if that weren't enough, both of the coaches seem to have developed a case of radioactive athlete's foot.
I really need to get a camera with a better flash, huh?

1 comment:

ChelleC said...

Are you thinking of going to Stitches this year by any chance? Would love for you to go!