Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Handspun!

Turquoise singleI've been getting a bit more even in my spinning, finally. I've got about half of this luscious aqua-turquoise-y corriedale spun up and it actually looks like something that will come out nicely once it's plied. Hurray for practice. Now that Chelle has been bitten by the spinning bug too, we are planning a possible spinning weekend sometime later this year... doesn't it sound like fun? (The idea blossomed when we both were lamenting that we couldn't afford to go to Yarn School this fall.)

Off to spin some more...

1 comment:

ChelleC said...

Oh my gosh, that yarn is GORGEOUS!!!! It looks awesome. So glad we got to see one another today. Next time I'll bring my handspun too. We ought to do a "show and share" in person.

I am definitely "in" for that spinning weekend. I'd even spring for a hotel if you feel that we'd be in your family's way.